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Brothaspeak Podcast

Brothaspeak Podcast is a weekly podcast where we interview the innovative, the daring, and the bold providing informative topics for people of color within LGBT.

Oct 28, 2017

For a segment of people that only represents 13% of the entire U.S population, yet represents 43% of the new HIV cases within America. Why are black people carrying the burden of this epidemic when it originally didn't start this way. In this week Brothaspeak Podcast, we have a community discussion in regards to this topic. 


  • Introduction and Personal History
  • Black Church
  • Audience Q & A

Guest Panel

Marvin Shaw - Host

Yolanda Reed - Bell

Lorenzo Robinson

Christopher Bates

Jamaal Starks


World AIDS MUSEUM and Educational Center

1201 NE 26th St #111,

Wilton Manors, FL 33305

(954) 390-0550



Brothaspeak Podcast where we discuss black LGBT issues and topics with humor, honesty, & info

INSTAGRAM - @brothaspeakpod


TWITTER - @BrothaspeakPod